Retail copywriting – three psychological tips you are currently missing

There are many different forms of copywriting, as you probably know, and retail copywriting is one of the most specialized of them all. We say...

Language Bear August 4, 2022
5 min read
Content Writing
E-commerce Content
Language Bear August 4, 2022 5 min read
Content Writing
E-commerce Content

There are many different forms of copywriting, as you probably know, and retail copywriting is one of the most specialized of them all. We say this because it’s quite different from other copywriting services, and there is more pressure involved.

In retail, you have a few seconds to attract someone’s attention, whereas you have substantially longer in other areas. You also need to know how to appeal to the human psyche to have a chance of securing a sale. After all, retail goods don’t always relate to ‘needs’, they relate to ‘wants’.

This is also why any copywriting e-commerce text has to be on point! Not only do you need a team that is skilled in writing, but you need a team that understands sales and marketing too. The text needs to make those neurons connect and justify a purchase in the mind of the consumer.

Sound confusing? Don’t worry, by the time we get done, you will be armed with three tips to immediately boost the quality of your retail copywriting.

The copywriting e-commerce recipe – it’s all about the benefits

Believe it or not, it’s easy to spot amateur vs professional e-commerce content writing. An amateur will constantly mention the product features. After all, this is an important factor, but it’s not the factor that will determine whether a sale is made. The key factor relates to the product’s actual benefits. A professional understands this, which is why it’s easy to differentiate between the texts.

Essentially, consumers want to know how they are going to benefit when purchasing a product. In what way will this particular product enhance their life? This needs to scream through in any retail copywriting. Remember what we said about justifying the purchase? This is what highlighting the benefits of a product actually does, so it’s worth adjusting your existing text to factor this in.

Let us give you an example to show how this works. Say you’re selling a pair of waterproof shoes that are somewhat formal and can be used in an office environment. An amateur would highlight things like the color of the shoe, the design, and sure, they might mention that the shoe is waterproof. A professional would highlight all of these things while stressing the benefits at the same time. The text might describe the horrors of arriving at a meeting with soaked socks, giving a poor first impression, for example.

There are many other products out there for which our first tip can be applied. And we believe this is critical to have any success with copywriting in retail.

Tell a story with your e-commerce content writing

The second tip we have for copywriting in retail involves the art of branding. This is sometimes linked with other marketing aspects like positioning. But really, these terms all lead back to the same thing – how the product is actually viewed in the mind of the consumer. That’s exactly where storytelling enters the picture.

People love brands and products that tell a story. And if you can create a story that a potential customer can relate to, this is where the real magic emerges.

Has your product been created using 100% recycled materials? Has it been developed out of necessity in order to solve a personal problem? These are the angles you need to consider, as they create a story that goes beyond the product itself.

Of course, the idea behind this particular tip for retail copywriting is to give a potential customer something they can relate to or empathize with. That way, they will feel a connection with the product, and they are far more likely to purchase it. Should they feel indifferent or disconnected from the product, however, your chances of making a sale diminish.

What Is e-commerce writing and why is FOMO a huge deal?

Have you ever heard of FOMO? It stands for ‘fear of missing out’, and the concept is huge in retail. In fact, this psychological phenomenon is pivotal in many other industries too, especially when it comes to sales.

Why does FOMO play such a big role in retail copywriting? Well, creating a scenario where a consumer feels they are about to miss out can drive an immediate purchase. This may sound exaggerated, but stick with us.

Say a customer is on the fence regarding a purchase. Are they more likely to buy at that moment if they know the product will be available at that same price next week? Or are they more likely to buy if the sale is about to end or the product is going to be out of stock? Of course, the answer is the latter. And that’s what FOMO is all about – crafting the concept of scarcity in the mind of the consumer.

By nature, humans don’t like to miss out on anything. You’ve probably felt these urges before at many times in your life. Maybe you witnessed all of your friends going abroad to a great resort and suddenly felt the urge to follow. Perhaps you’ve heard people screaming the praises of a potential investment so you just had to go for it. You get the idea!

FOMO is everywhere, and if you can work it into your retail copywriting, you won’t go far wrong.

Bonus – hire some top content retail specialists

So, what should you do with all of this information? Well, you could try to adapt your existing copy to exploit these three tips. However, this takes time and effort, and if you’re not a skilled copywriter, there’s a chance you will miss the mark. Alternatively, you could hire a team of professionals who understand these tips and know how to implement them.

Should that be the avenue you want to go down, please reach out to see what we can do for you!

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